We started around a kitchen table when women from several different churches felt led to dream big. What if Jacksonville could have a beautiful luncheon featuring a prominent Christian author, sharing her testimony once a year? Women from many denominations and backgrounds could attend and bring their friends. The Gospel would be shared and our city would be blessed by the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. For the last thirty-six years that vision has become “Women for Christ”.
What are the benefits of membership?
You will be encouraged to grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ, have the opportunity (if you choose) to meet and work with women who share our common faith, and attend the Membership Luncheon in September.
What are the things we do?
We host a city-wide luncheon each February with the sole purpose of bringing an outstanding Christian speaker/author to Jacksonville to share her life’s experiences, tell how God has become the center of her life, and to present the Gospel message. We also host a Membership Luncheon each year to bring our members together for a short business meeting, to reflect on God’s faithfulness, and to hear a local speaker encourage us to grow deeper in Christ and to serve the Lord with all of our hearts.
How can I be involved?
To host speaker luncheons of this size, a lot happens “behind-the-scenes.” Areas of work include: Arrangements, Book Table, Decorations, Community Outreach, Printing/Programs, Publicity, Social Media, Photography, and Website, Special Events, Table Greeters/Hostesses and especially Intercessory Prayer. There are many opportunities for you to get involved (should you choose to) and use the gifts God has given you. Plus, it’s fun and you’ll make some new friends!
Where do my dues go?
The annual dues of $35.00 help defray the expenses for the February Speaker Events beyond those of the meal itself. These include: postage, speaker fees, printed materials, and website maintenance to name a few. We have no other fundraisers except your dues.
Become a part of this ministry!
To join, please fill out this form first: Membership Registration Form.
Once you’ve registered, please pay your membership fees by clicking here.